Planning an Estate Sale? Mistakes to Avoid

When planning an estate sale, it is easy to get so far ahead of yourself that you overlook important details that could make or break the amount of success you have.

By avoiding the most common mistakes, it is much easier to enjoy your estate sale, from the first day of planning until the last item is sold.

Here are several mistakes to avoid:

1. Hiring the wrong estate sale company. When you get a reputable company on board, such as Four Sales, you can be rest assured that you are in good hands from beginning to end.

2. Not pricing your items according to their true value. Some people overprice their items, hoping to get more money than they are worth. Others, however, underprice their items, thus leaving money on the table.

3. Throwing out items you don’t believe will sell. Don’t do this until you speak with your estate sale company. Just because you believe something will sit without selling doesn’t mean this will actually happen. Let your estate sale representative talk you through this process, giving you a better idea of what has the best chance of selling.

Along with the above, here are several other mistakes to avoid at all costs:

  • Overlooking the importance of the setup, item grouping, and display.
  • No marketing, meaning that many people may never find out about the sale.
  • End goals are not set up front, which could lead to disappointment when everything is said and done.

Every year, many people plan a successful estate sale. At the same time, there are those who make one or more of the mistakes above, holding them back from reaching their true potential.

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