In the mid-1700s, mantel clocks became popular in many parts of the world (with France leading the way). As the years passed, clockmakers began to design clocks with figural decorations, ranging from animals to mythical heroes to cherubs.
Many figural clocks from the 18th and 19th centuries hold great value, with a recent auction sale at Kaminski Auctions in Massachusetts proving it. Check out some of these prices:
- Figural clock with flue player: Troy Gadour, 1820 – $480
- Figural clock with bird: New Haven Clock Co. – $90
- Figural clock with putti: Tiffany & Co. – $1,920
- Figural clock with elephant: $2,880
- Figural clock with chariot: Humbert & Mairet, 1790 – $480
As you can see, many figural clocks from the past are still valuable. Not to mention the fact that they’re fun to collect and display.
If you’re in the market for a figural clock, pay close attention to these details:
- The clockmaker
- The year it was made
- The overall condition
- Whether it’s been maintained
From auctions to the internet to local estate sales, keep your eyes open and you’re sure to come across figural clocks for sale every now and again.
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