Five Most Valuable Sports Autographs: Are these Part of your Collection?

For many years, fans have been collecting sports autographs. While every autograph is unique in its own way, some are more valuable than others.

Are you collecting autographs because you are a fan of a particular player, team, or sport? Or are you collecting autographs with the hope of making money?

If you are looking for the best investment, here are five autographs you want to add to your collection in the near future:

1. Mickey Mantle. For many years, Mantle’s autograph has been one of the most coveted in the world. Since he did not sign as many items as others, his autograph is extremely rare.

Note: Mantle forgeries are extremely common, so make sure you know what you are buying.

2. Babe Ruth. Considered by many to be the greatest baseball player of all time, there is no wondering why Ruth autographs have become so valuable. Despite the fact that he signed many autographs over the years, these items can still be difficult to come across.

3. Joe DiMaggio. The Yankee Clipper is one of the most popular baseball players of all time, making his autograph valuable among collectors. He frequently signed items for fans, however, it is not common for these to make their way to market.

4. Muhammad Ali. Any Ali autograph is valuable, but one signed “Cassius Clay” is worth even more. Since his Parkinson’s disease diagnosis, he has not signed many items, meaning that inventory is not likely to grow.

5. Lou Gehrig. Yet another New York Yankee finds himself on the list, with many believing that a Gehrig autograph is one of the rarest. Authentic Gehrig autographs can be hard to come across, since he did not sign nearly as often as other MLB greats.

If you have the chance to purchase one of these sports autographs, at an estate sale or through another outlet, you should consider doing so. It will definitely add value to your collection.

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