Some toys from the past are valuable, while others are worth virtually nothing. Furthermore, what’s hot and what’s not changes every now and again.
As we move toward 2021, here is a short list of some of the most collectible (and valuable) toys:
• Antique doll houses: We’re not talking about those plastic ones that you can buy at any big box retail store. These antiques are hand built with attention to detail. They’re even more valuable if doll house furniture is included.
• Rare Barbies and GI Joes: In the early days of Barbies and GI Joes, mass production wasn’t nearly as common as it is today. And for that reason, rare barbies and GI Joes remain as hot as ever before.
• Steiff stuffed toys: Founded in 1880, some of the earliest Steiff stuffed toys can fetch well into the six figures. And depending on the model, the same holds true with some of its more recent releases. For example, a Steiff Louis Vuitton Bear sold in 2000 for nearly $200,000.
If you enjoy collecting toys, turn your attention to one or more of the above. As your collection grows, so will its value!
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