How to Assess the Benefits of an Estate Sale – Part 1

part 1 of 4

As summer approaches, and spring cleaning begins, many people use the momentum of the season to ponder their living situations and make a change. Many of us are in the midst of down-sizing. In this process the question of “How do I get rid of my stuff?” comes up over and over again. In fact, the inability for many to answer the question leads to an inability to make a change at all.

There are a variety of options available for selling personal property. Some of the best known are having a garage sale, sending things to auction or having an
estate sale at the residence.

When determining what’s best, a lot depends on one’s situation, what’s for sale and how much of a hurry you’re in.Any transition or downsizing experience can be stressful – minimize that stress by picking an option that will make it as simple as possible for you: surround yourself with the best possible team of experts and hire the top professionals you can find!

Watch for the next segment in a few days!

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